May 3, 2024

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Comprehensive guide to inflatable sup and everything you should know about it 

There are several paddleboards available in the market, and you need to figure out everything before making a purchase. You can check sup paddles online from this link:

First inflatable sup purchase 

When you are about to make the first purchase about sup, it should be versatile, and so as a beginner, you must buy all-rounder boards that provide jack of all trades techniques to all sup activities. The width is 31” to 35” with a 10’ to 12’ length and is suitable for several activities. If you are new to the world of sup, you must buy a paddleboard size of 10’6” to 11’6” in length and 31” to 35” in width. In case you want to paddle with your family, friends, or pet, then ensure that your board has the right size to accommodate all people.

Can I do paddling with pets? 

The pets greatly enjoy sup activity. While paddling with your pets, ensure to take safety measures like putting your pet on a leash while you are on the sup; otherwise, if your pet gets into the water, it will cause choking hazards.

Can I paddle with kids and family? 

Paddleboarding with kids is an excellent way to bond with them and introduce them to outdoor activities. You need to ensure that your child is wearing a PFD while being on board. This makes the water sport versatile as you can spend time with your friends, family, and pets.

Is inflatable sup costly? 

The average cost of sup ranges from $400-$1100, and the price will be more if you go for a larger board. The next factor in deciding the price of your inflatable board is the materials included. A good quality iSUP can range from $400-$800 or more. If you are new to paddleboarding, go for all-around boards that are versatile and best suited for recreational activities. If you want to go for advanced paddling, you require modern, highly specialized boards that will be expensive. Always get yourself a board that doesn’t compromise on quality. At Honu, you get excellent and high-quality inflatable stand-up paddleboards to offer your high performance with all premium features.

Are inflatable standup paddleboards any good? 

The short answer to this question is yes, inflatable standup paddleboards are good and perhaps one of the best options for paddleboarding. There are different categories of sup boards, and your skill level decides which board you should go for. They are easy to transport and store and offer a great deal of convenience. Honu paddleboards are easy to practice and offer comfortable paddling.